7 Reasons Water Heaters Fail

concept of reasons water heaters fail

Hot water heaters are an integral part of your home. They not only heat your water, but keep the water at a constant temperature for your comfort. Regular annual maintenance can help you avoid water heater issues. Below you will find the top 7 reasons water heaters fail.

7 Reasons Water Heaters Fail

Water heater failure can occur without regular maintenance. This can cost you time and money so it’s helpful to invest in preventative services. Consider the following common reasons why your water heater may fail.


One of the most common causes of water heater failure is rust. Water heaters have rods referred to as “sacrificial anodes.” These are rods that keep the metal in the water heater from eroding. Over time, these rods need to be replaced as they will eventually erode. While they can last several years, they should be examined annually to ensure they are still in good working condition. It’s better to replace them early as eroded rods can cause serious issues that can be expensive and time-consuming.

Old Age: 

Water heaters can last for up to twelve years on average. After 12 years, water heaters tend to break down. Some of the common signs that it’s time to replace your water heater include a flickering pilot light, erratic heating levels, and rust. Replacing your water heater can help you avoid issues and is a great time to update your system so it is more energy efficient. This can save you hundreds on your electricity bill.

Water Pressure Issues: 

Incorrect water pressure can cause damage to your water heater. High water pressure can damage more than just your water heater as it can impact your appliances and even your piping system. In general, your water pressure should not exceed 80 psi. If the problem continues, contact repiping experts in Los Angeles to address the issue. 

Issues with Parts: 

If nuts and bolts are loose or missing, you will likely experience water heater issues. Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure your water heater stays in good condition for the long run. Serious problems can be prevented by addressing issues immediately, so contact a professional to examine your water heater.

Faulty Electrical Connection: 

Another common water heater issue involves a faulty electrical connection. Replacing your water heater may not address the issue so avoid spending the time and money on a new one without checking the electrical connection first. A blown fuse or broken power cord is an easy fix and could be the problem.

Broken Thermostat: 

Check the thermostat if the heating elements in your system are still in good working condition despite the hot water not working. The issue could be the thermostat or cut-off switch. These are both inexpensive and much less complicated to address as compared to replacing your entire water heater. It is still advisable to contact a professional to address these issues.

Mineral Buildup: 

If there is a mineral buildup in the heating system of your water heater, the heating elements can gradually break down. The mineral deposits can solidify and surround the elements of the water heater. This can cause the water heater to work harder and lead it to break down much faster. Mineral buildup can be addressed by turning off the water heater every few months and draining the tank. 

Hot Water Repair in Los Angeles

While addressing the issues with your water heater can be enticing, they can be quite dangerous. Avoid causing more issues and contact a professional if you experience issues with your water heater. The team at Henrik Plumbing are skilled in hot water repair in Los Angeles. Contact them today to schedule an appointment!  

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