Lighting Choices to Save You Money

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Did you know that the average American household consumes 10,500 KWH electricity per year with the average monthly bill totalling to 138.90 USD? Breaking down these numbers, we know that part of it is actually being spent on lighting. And when you really think about it, you can still lower down your electricity expenses so you can use the money you save for other things. One aspect to look closely at is your lighting. There are smart lighting choices to save you money. You just need to know which lighting fixtures to use and where to get them. Just like luxury furniture that can save you money in the long run, there are also lighting fixtures that are wise investments, not only because of their aesthetic appeal but also because of their longevity and energy-saving features.

Lighting Choices to Save You Money

Switch to LED lights

Many people all around the world have switched from incandescent or fluorescent bulbs to LED lights. LEDs (light-emitting diodes) consume less energy compared to the traditional fluorescent lights. When it comes to energy consumption, they use 90% less than fluorescent lights. This means lower electricity costs. In addition, LED lights last 25 times longer than fluorescent ones. So you do not only save on electricity, you also save on replacements.

LED lights are available in many types of products. They come in different colors and you can use them indoors or outdoors. Whether under the cupboard lighting or porch or pathway lighting, they are a great choice over fluorescent lights. 

While it is true that LED lights are more expensive than their traditional counterparts, it is still the better and wiser choice because of the money it allows you to save on electricity and replacement bulbs in the long run.

Choose energy-efficient fixtures

When shopping for lighting fixtures, look for the ones with the ENERGY STAR label. This label tells you that the fixture meets the energy efficiency criteria set by the Environmental Protection Agency. Fixtures that have the ENERGY STAR label usually have special features like dimming and longer warranties than the ones that do not have such labels.

Other Ways to Save on Lighting Costs

Make use of natural lighting solutions

Make use of natural light. If you are in the process of building a house, big windows and installing skylights are good ways to let natural light in. If you are renting or you live in an existing house with no plans of remodeling, it is always a good idea to move your furniture closer to the windows. Using light-colored window treatments or light sheer curtains also allows daylight to penetrate into your home. This lessens your need to turn on the lights during the daytime. 

Clean and maintain lighting fixtures regularly

Regular cleaning and upkeep of lighting fixtures are important for optimal performance and energy efficiency. The accumulation of dust and dirt on your light bulbs can reduce light output, so ensure that your fixtures and bulbs are regularly wiped clean. Regular cleaning will also allow you to catch and repair any damage that may cause energy loss.

Educate other residents or occupants of your house or building

It is important to let the members of your household or your office employees know that you are trying to lower the cost of your electricity. You may brainstorm with them ideas on how to save on lighting, like turning off lights when leaving the room and other energy-efficient habits.

Making the Right Switch

By using these strategies and investing in modern lighting fixtures, you can create well-lit and aesthetically pleasing spaces at home and in your office while saving on your electric bill. Check out some LED lighting fixtures and make the right switch today.

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