Does Carpet Make Allergies Worse?
Suffering from allergies can mean hours on end of coughing, running noses, and itchiness. From many, these allergic reactions are brought on by pollen, animal hair, or peanuts. But, what if your carpet is making your allergies worse? Unfortunately, it is a possibility. It’s because carpet can trap allergens in your home if not taken…
Follow This Guide to Deep Clean Your House
Whether you engage in the traditional Spring Cleaning, or you choose to deep clean your home during the winter season, it can always be difficult mustering up the energy to get it all done. Deep cleaning your house requires some time, effort, and knowledge on how to do it right. The experts at BH Carpet…
How Often Should You Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned?
Having dirty carpets creates a multitude of problems: it is ugly, it keeps dirt and pollutants in your house, and it breaks down the fibers of your carpet much faster. Many of us vacuum our carpet once a month, or every other week, but dirt collects so much faster than the little time we devote…