10 Kitchen Design Mistakes to Avoid

Premium kitchen brands are the key to design success – but that’s not all you need to think about. Planning and executing a complete remodel can be one of the most trying challenges you can face as a homeowner and knowing what to do is just as important as knowing what not to do.

Leicht NY, your premier choice for modern kitchen cabinets in New York, knows what it means to make a mistake. While each failure should be encouraged with a strong will to stand up and start over, the wisdom and knowledge that comes with unfolding a plan confidently from the start should not be forgotten.

It’s time to avoid some of the most damaging mistakes that you can make while choosing a kitchen redesign plan. Follow along and take notes to see what fits best for you – and what doesn’t.

1. Not Enough Counter Space

Sufficient counter space is the life blood of the fully functional kitchen. Too often, homeowners will sacrifice counter space for other things such as recessed cabinets, amenity installations, appliances, and more.

2. Saving the Small Things for Last

Don’t wait until the last minute to pick and choose your appliances. If you are looking to incorporate every aspect of your kitchen design into a cohesive look, don’t forget to think about your refrigerators and toasters!

3. Not Thinking of the Future

The beauty of modern kitchen cabinets in New York is that you can continue to invest in your future. Affording valuable pieces of furniture adds a lot of value to your kitchen, not just today, but for future increased value as well.

4. Having Too Little Storage Space

Want space to store your items? Then make it! It’s too common for homeowners to run out of room to store their items once everything is said and done. Make sure your cabinets are sprawling and your cubbies open and ready for you to have a place to put things.

5. Underestimating Your Lighting Options

Lighting can make or break an entire mood. If you’re looking for something special to add a touch of emotion or feel-good vibes to your kitchen, you need to invest in proper lighting. Many tend to ignore this until it’s too late but having the right kind of lighting – and enough of it – can really make a difference.

6. Keeping Your Architecture Consistent

Architectural integrity is a foreign phrase to most average homeowners who go all-in on their first big kitchen remodeling project. But they are often left with something that does not return the value as it suddenly does not match the rest of the home. Make sure your design plans are cohesive with the rest of your unit.

7. Not Paying Attention to Detail

Like any big project, attention to detail is key. You can continue your vision for your kitchen by thinking of little things like tile colors or artwork on the walls.

8. Ignoring Furniture

Real furniture may be one of the furthest things from your mind when considering how to decorate and design your new kitchen. You can incorporate some very strong overall themes and tones by deciding what kind of furniture to decorate the space with.

9. Working Alone

You may feel like taking on this monumental task alone, but things will work so much better when you have a team to rely on. Getting to know the ins and outs of a project will give you a good idea of where you’ll most appreciate the helping hand.

10. Sacrificing Functionality

You can incorporate all the details and designs you want. You can knock down walls, rebuild them, create partitions, or make completely new cabinet space. But make sure that, at the end of the day, your aesthetic goals do not surpass the need for functionality. Your kitchen still needs to work like a kitchen, in a way that is easiest for you.

Design Your Kitchen the Right Way

Leicht NY engages in positive design ideas that will help bring your aesthetic goals to life. Whether you are investing in a remodeling project for the very first time, or you are just looking to reorganize and make room for modern kitchen cabinets in New York, it’s important to work with the best. You can reach out to Leicht online or by calling at 1-(888) 209-5420.

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