Bringing the Exterior To Interior Design

There has always been a strict divide between interior designing and planning the aesthetic of your yard. These unwritten rules were followed without any crossover. Certain concepts were strictly used for inside the house, while others were relegated to outside the house. But without radical ideas, trends will never change. Here are some ideas that used to be believed as mutually exclusive for inside the house that will make your yard unique and functional. Leicht LA can help you find the exact style you are looking for.

Bring it Out

When it comes to interior designing, there are tons of styles, colors, and textures that allow you to get the exact look you want for your house. Why stop just there? You can take the same principles and move them outside your house. Nature and gardens are already a beautiful backdrop, so why not add some flair to go with it. Whether you have a small space or a large yard, there are tons you can do. Just like designing a small apartment compared to a large home, you can find something for your specific space. By extending this design to the yard, you are creating a larger area to enjoy. A lot of these ideas can be functional as well, creating an extra room of your house that was not utilized before.

Creating a Tranquil Sitting Room

One of the most common trends is creating an extra living space in your yard. This is perfect for people with smaller homes to give them more room, but it works just as well for those with larger homes too. The idea is to add a sofa, chairs, table, and anything else you would put in your family room, to a certain space in your yard. This can be modern and subdued with white, black or greys, or you can go more traditional with darker colors. This can be a great place to read a book while getting some fresh air, a perfect hosting space for larger parties, or add a TV and it becomes a makeshift man cave. Anything you would want in your family room can be found outside. Adding a covering may be a good idea in areas that rain frequently, or get a tarp to cover the space during the months it is not used.

Dining Space Reimagined

The same way you could take the principles for a family room and move them outside, dining rooms can be moved as well. Many homes do not have a designated dining area, so Mother Nature could be the perfect place for it. We aren’t just talking about merely putting a table outside. Look into string lights, chandeliers, and tiki torches to make the space more formal, casual, or fun.

Cooking Where you get your Ingredients

While we are discussing rooms inside the house that could be reimagined outside the house, you can’t pass up the kitchen. Having a kitchen outside is unique and will make cooking fun again. It also gives you the opportunity to include things you may not want inside like brick pizza ovens, grills, and CO2 lines for kegs. Have a garden growing right by the kitchen to make cooking natural, homegrown meals easy and functional. This is the way to get a little more creative with your design ideas. Utilizing rustic kitchen cabinets to house utensils and plates outside would blend perfectly with most yards. Leicht LA could help you pick out the perfect cabinets for this distinctive space.

Open Everything Up

A perfect way to cross the inside of your home with the outside is by opening everything up. Creating open-air ceilings, panoramic windows, and folding patio doors are great ways to extend the size of your house. This makes your floor plan seem bigger and gets rid of obstacles dividing the inside and outside of your home. This can truly help you bring the exterior into your interior designing.

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