Creative Thanksgiving Crafts for the Family

This holiday season it’s time to invest in some arts and crafts that are fun for the whole family. Whether you are excited to enjoy a winter with your loved one or you are planning a huge vacation with your kids, be sure to put a little time aside for some quality family time by playing with these easy-to-learn crafting pieces.

Of course, you might want to take advantage of some super glue products to help you get the job done right. Nothing seals the deal like a drop of super glue, ensuring that your crafts will stay held together for a lifetime! Interested in learning more? Explore the various adhesive solutions available to you through the Super Glue Corporation.

1. The Thankfulness Jar

Starting off this list is something simple that can get everyone into the spirit of gratitude. Help your kids communicate what they are thankful for this year by creating a thankfulness jar. All you need is your favorite kind of jar, some colorful strips of paper, and Popsicle sticks to secure them in the back. You and your family can write down what they are most grateful for and then place it in the jar! You’ll enjoy seeing all the beautiful colors shine through. This can even be used as a holiday-themed centerpiece for your dinner table!

2. Hand Print Turkey Wreath

Gobble gobble! What would Thanksgiving be without any colorful turkeys? Every kid knows about the hand turkey, but what if that hand turkey is brought to life as a colorful wreath? Here’s what to do:

Using construction paper, you and your kids can trace out their hands and cut them out. Add turkey beaks and legs if you’d like, or just keep them as your own original hands. Once they are all cut out, you can use our reliable super glue products to paste the sides together in a circular shape, until they become a wreath with the fingers of the hands fanning out. If it’s looking a little bare, have your kids write down the things they are thankful for on each hand, or color them like turkeys for the holiday spirit!

3. Pine Cone Owl Surprise

Do you have trees with natural pine cones that fall to the ground during this time of year? Even if you don’t, you can easily find some pinecones at your local crafting or hardware store. Grab a handful of them, both big and small, as well as some other natural goodies that may fall from your trees. Now all you need is some candy corn and paint, and you’re ready to make a creative owl!

The big pine cones can serve as the owl’s body, with the frills resembling the fluffy feathers that owls love to ruffle. Smaller pinecones can go atop the head for ears, or behind the body for wings. Use candy corn to denote the beak and ears and paint some eyes in the middle. You can even use hollowed-out acorn tops for the eyes! Glue it all together and let your creations come to life!

What’s Your Favorite Fall Craft?

Thanksgiving is such a festive time of year, and each holiday is made possible with a little bit of creative magic. Whether you are crafting solo, or making something that everyone can enjoy, there are endless ways to let your artistic spirit shine and reflect the season of thankfulness. If you’re looking for even more ways to get creative with super glue products, you can contact The Super Glue Corporation online or give them a call at (909) 987-0550 for more inspiration.

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