How Often Do Your Sewer Lines Need to be Cleaned?

Your sewer lines contain all the waste and liquid substances that get washed away from your home water connections, so over a significant period, they will begin to develop a buildup of waste materials that will need to be cleaned for them to function as smoothly as possible. If you start to notice that your sewer lines are making strange noises through the piping in your home bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room, or if there begins to be a significant stink that seems to be coming out of nowhere, it may be time for you to get a professional plumbing contractor in Los Angeles from Nautilus Plumbing to clean out all of your backed up lines. Don’t let your sewer lines sit in the muck for long, clean out the mess with an efficient plumber when you call Nautilus Plumbing today!

When Should You Schedule a Plumbing Contractor for Sewer Line Cleaning?

Generally, most people should schedule to have a professional clean out their sewer line anywhere between 18 and 22 months to prevent a substantial build up that could lead to more intense and expensive problems. There are cases that do not require a frequent cleaning schedule every 18 months, but if you have had sewer line problems in the past, or just want to stay proactive, this is the best schedule to keep to prevent serious sewer problems. If you begin to suspect that more significant damage is developing in your sewer lines, call a plumbing contractor in Los Angeles immediately to help you diagnose the problem. In most cases, your plumber will need to send a video camera through your lines to be able to see the problem and locate where it is occurring and why. Once your plumber has located the problem area and cause, they will be able to give you applicable solutions.

While the suggested amount of time in between cleanings is 18 to 22 months, do not ignore major problems when they arise. These problems can present as backed up sewage that appears in your sinks, bathtubs or toilets, major clogging that is happening consistently in your major drain lines, strange noises that are coming from your water lines regularly, significant odors near the site of your sewer lines or excess water that seems to be leaking from the site of a water pipe. These are major issues that almost always mean you have a significant problem somewhere along your sewer line. Contact a plumbing contractor in Los Angeles right away if you are noticing any of these major problems!

What Can Damage Your Sewer Line?

Should you need sewer line maintenance earlier than expected, there could be several different reasons that are causing problems with your pipes. One of the worst offenders is grease. A grease buildup is caused by an introduction of grease products into the water lines. If you constantly pour grease down your sink after cooking with it, your pipes will begin to erode, and your sewer lines will be compromised as a result. The roots of your trees and plants in your front or backyards can also grow long and strong enough to attach to the piping underneath your house and damage them. Your plumber will be able to find this problem specifically when using the video surveillance method to diagnose your back up issues. Your sewer line can also experience a sagging or buckling in one or multiple areas throughout the piping. When this happens, your connections are compressed, and your waste cannot be removed as effectively, which causes large back-ups in your system. Get diagnostics done by a professional plumbing contractor in Los Angeles when you call the team at Nautilus Plumbing today!

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