Can’t Decide on Furniture? Start Here.

Picture this: You just bought a home or renovated your current one. The paint is dry, the walls in-tact, the carpet, and rugs neatly place, but one thing is missing: the furniture. But how do you even know where to begin? What’s the right color scheme for the living room? How many lamps do you need to buy? Should you get a sectional sofa or just a love-seat? There are so many furniture options, how can you decide? Below we’ve listed some basic principles that will help you start picking out the right furniture for your home, including some rookie mistakes to avoid.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

One of the most important things to remember when trying to decide on things for your home is that it’s okay to ask for help. Not all of us are designers and we may need a little aid from an expert. Designers, furniture makers, etc, are immersed in this world every day, so they know just where to get the best materials, where to save you a little money, and how to transform your vision into reality. However, it is essential that you effectively communicate what it is you’re looking for. You don’t want to end up with furniture you would rather die on than sit on! Be clear about the aesthetic you’re looking for, the budget you’re willing to spend, and, if applicable, where you’d like things laid out in the room.

Avoid Painting

For some, it may seem like a good idea to paint the walls before you have any furniture in the room, but this is a classic rookie mistake. The reason why you should hold off on painting the walls until you’ve decided on furniture is that paint comes in almost any color imaginable, while furniture does not. Think about this scenario: You just found the most beautiful, vintage, orange couch. It’s everything you’ve dreamed of having and the dimensions will fit perfectly in your living room. But there’s one problem: you just had your walls painted a deep purple, lime green, dark grey, or yellow. Suddenly, the living room has transformed into a bit of a disaster. To avoid a disaster such as this, avoid painting until you’ve fully figured out your furniture situation, that way you can easily accommodate the mood of the room with paint.

Ask For Samples

If you’re at a furniture store, they will likely have a bit of different lighting than what’s in your home. It’s hard to get a good idea of what certain colors and materials will look like in your own living room. This is why taking some samples of the furniture home with you, whether it be fabric, wood panel, etc, will be greatly beneficial to your decisions.

A Solid Foundation

When shopping for furniture, make sure you’re purchasing pieces that have a solid foundation. Look for pieces that are made of solid wood, as they will last longer and provide more stability. Avoid getting anything made with particleboard or other flimsy materials. Typically, solid wood foundations will cost a bit more, but it’s worth it when it comes to durability.

The Test of Time

If you’re looking to fill your room with cheap, temporary pieces, then by all means: go crazy. However, most people are looking for furniture that is going to last them a while. Buying quality furniture is an investment and it can quickly become a sentimental part of your family’s history. This is why it’s so important to invest in furniture that is going to withstand the test of time. It’s important to be bold with your furniture choices if that’s what you’re after, but the best advice is to look for pieces that are going to look beautiful in 10 years, or maybe even 50.

While these are just some basic furniture rules, hopefully, they will help guide you on taking your first steps on making quality decisions. Don’t forget to shop around and explore as many furniture options as you can, and don’t rule out custom furniture! At A. Rudin, we gladly offer custom products to meet everyone’s specific needs. Visit our website today to explore your options!

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