Kitchen Safety Tips

The kitchen is one of the most frequented rooms in a house and is usually associated with good things, such as eating and social gatherings; however, the kitchen can also harbor some dangers, so be sure to use these kitchen safety tips. Vadara Quartz can help you create an aesthetically pleasing and safe kitchen with their expertise, especially quartz kitchen countertops, which are heat resistant, scratch resistant, and easy to clean; be sure to contact them today to start creating the kitchen of your dreams.

Always Pay Attention

Cooking can be extremely fun, but it is easy for us to become complacent when we cook so often in our kitchens. The biggest dangers can be the dangers from negligence, and with a room that is filled with sharp objects and heavy pans, the last thing you want to be is negligent with your actions. Although it may seem obvious, be sure to always pay attention to what you are doing in the kitchen because one small accident could cause an injury. Be sure to store knives in a safe place, such as a drawer or wooden block, to mitigate risk of injury from these sharp tools. Have a good number of potholders and be sure to use them, as well as keeping an eye on any hot dishes that others may accidentally touch. Luckily, quartz kitchen countertops are heat resistant, so even if you miss a potholder, the counter will be safe. Turning pot handles to the side of the stove is a handy trick to ensure no one runs into them or grabs the handles causing hot food to spill. Also, be aware of any loose jewelry or clothing that may catch fire, or knock something over. Finally, having a fire extinguisher easily accessible in the kitchen can prevent possible disasters from happening. Be familiar with the functionality of the extinguisher because fires will not wait for you to read the instructions.

Sanitation and Bacteria

What about unseen threats, such as bacteria and food borne illnesses? These dangers are hard to see, but are just as real nonetheless. Be aware of how you store raw meat, and that it does not come into contact with any ingredients that are not going to be cooked. Raw meat can have harmful bacteria that will contaminate anything it touches, which is why it is so important to wash your hands after handling raw meat before returning to other tasks. Also, be sure to keep things such as meat, dairy, and other temperature sensitive items in the refrigerator as long as possible before preparing them to cook, and promptly return them to the refrigerator once you are done with them. These products can spoil and are not meant to be sitting on the counter for extended periods of time. Finally, be sure to wipe up any spills immediately so that your preparation space is clean and the floor does not become slippery. Quartz kitchen countertops are extremely easy to clean and sanitary compared to other materials, and Vadara Quartz can help guide you to the perfect one for your home.

Be Aware of Who is in Your Kitchen

The biggest cause of an accident is the people in the kitchen other than you. It is easier to stay safe when you only have to worry about yourself, but what if you have guests or children? It is important that when your kitchen is crowded with guests, that you be deliberate with where you put food and what you leave out on the open counter. It may be prudent to invite your guests into the family room to chat while you finish preparing dinner, or have them sit on the opposite side of the kitchen counter than where you are working. Likewise, it is hard to keep track of kids, especially young children who are curious about the world. Incorporating drawer and cabinet stoppers, as well as ensuring anything dangerous is well out of reach, are great preventative measures. Above all else, make sure you are paying attention to any children in the area because they may want to go exploring when you are not looking.

Your kitchen is an amazing place, and utilizing these tips will ensure it is safe as well. For the kitchen of your dreams, with quartz kitchen countertops, contact Vadara Quartz today for their expertise and help.


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