Should You be Using Stranded or Solid Wire?

When it’s time to replace the wiring in your home, it can be difficult to know what the best installation method is, and what kind of materials you should be incorporating for the best investment. Most installations can be completed with either stranded or solid wiring, but choosing which material is right for your home can be a difficult process without professional help. Get the answers you need from an expert when you choose the team at Calmont Wire and Cable for your next wiring project. Read on for a comparison of stranded vs. solid wire.

What is Stranded Wiring and When Should You Use it?

Stranded wiring is a variation of wiring that is used throughout homes and buildings. Unlike solid wiring, stranded wires have a more flexible nature and are used in situations where this flexibility is a benefit for the job. This usually applies to the wiring of more precise projects such as wiring for electrical circuits and appliances in the home. Knowing when to use stranded wiring is important when you are beginning a new wiring process throughout your home. It’s probable that your expert wiring professional will need to have both stranded and solid materials to complete a full house renovation.

Stranded wiring is often used for projects outside of home wiring systems, and can be utilized to wire circuit boards in robotics, motor vehicles and more. Because stranded wiring is more open and flexible, it is not as durable as the solid wiring option. It is also more likely to experience electronic interference than solid wire because the wiring is exposed at the end to allow for flexibility, and the air around the wire can increase the magnetic field. If your home is in need of more delicate and detailed wiring projects, it’s better to choose stranded wiring to allow for increased flexibility for the project. Schedule a professional wiring consultation today to see how your home can benefit from the installation of stranded wiring from the team at Calmont Wiring and Cable today!

What is Solid Wire and When Should You Use it?

While stranded wiring is unique for its more flexible uses and frayed appearance, the solid wiring option is a more sturdy material that can be used for a number of household wiring needs. The wire is held inside of a protective outer layer to ensure that the interior stays covered and functional at all times. Solid wiring is used for installations that address more outdoor or straightforward applications. This material is beneficial because of its durability and resistance to wear and tear over the years. Solid wires are also the less expensive option between the two, and it lasts longer than stranded wiring due to its industrial protective casing. Its main downside is the inability to be flexible for more complicated wiring projects, but overall, it is a highly recommended wire that can be utilized throughout your home for optimal results! Find out more about choosing the right wiring for your home when you visit Calmont Wire and Cable.

When it’s Time to Choose Stranded vs. Solid Wire

It may be difficult to determine when it’s time for your home wiring to be replaced if you don’t know what signs to look for. If you have been experiencing a combination of wiring malfunctions over the past few weeks, this may be a sign that it’s time to call in an expert. Signs like consistent flickering lights, fuse blowouts, the smell of burning that don’t have a direct cause, a constant low buzzing sound and even accelerated the use of lightbulbs can all be signs that it’s time for a wiring upgrade. Read a full list of outdated wiring signs here. If it’s time for your home to get a wiring upgrade, choose the experts that will make the whole process simple for you! Find the right technician to help with your home wiring project when you partner with the team at Calmont Wiring and Cable now!

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