Tips for a More Pleasant Workplace

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Employee retention can be a major factor when it comes to the success of your business. With the recent influx in employees opting to work from home, getting them back in the office and keeping them happy can be difficult. This is why it’s important to create a workspace that helps employees feel like commuting into the office is worth it. Below you will find helpful tips for a more pleasant workplace. 

Tips for a More Pleasant Workplace

A pleasant and welcoming workspace can help attract new employees and retain your current employees. Consider the following adjustments to your workplace.

  • Natural Light and Greenery: Natural light can help boost your employee’s mood and increase productivity. Research has also shown that natural light reduces eye strain, lowers the risk of headaches, results in few mistakes, and reduces drowsiness. Greenery is also highly beneficial as it increases workplace satisfaction and improves levels of concentration. Utilizing natural light and incorporating greenery into your workplace can result in a variety of employee benefits.
  • Office Setup: The two common types of office setups include an open office setup or individual offices. Research has shown that a hybrid of the two can be beneficial for employees. Individual spaces can provide a quiet and private area for your employees free from distraction. However, creating community workspaces can help improve collaboration and the culture of the office. Talk with your employees about their preferences and create a space that allows every employee to comfortably and effectively work.
  • Collaborative Spaces: Getting your employees to effectively work with one another can be a challenge. One of the best ways you can set your team up for success is by creating a collaborative workspace filled with the necessary tools and supplies. Writable wallpaper can be helpful for employees in the brainstorming phases of a project. Abstract theme wallpaper can add to the office décor and serve as a helpful tool for your team. Supplying the necessary technology can also ensure that employees effectively work together to achieve their project goals.
  • Office Furniture: Gone are the days when a cubicle, desk, and chair are enough to keep your employees comfortable. Everyone is different and people thrive in varying environments. Some employees may need an ergonomic chair, a standing desk, or an exercise ball for a chair. Talk with each of your employees and let them know you value their comfort. Find office furniture that works for them so they can be comfortable and perform at their optimal level.
  • Food and Beverages: Employees that have access to nutritious foods and drinks can help improve their work productivity. It can also make them feel at home while they are at work. Providing free snacks, drinks, and meals can keep your employees in the office working versus going offsite. It can also boost morale, retention, and be a great recruitment method.
  • Incentivize Physical Activity: Creating a space and culture that incentivizes physical activity can be a major benefit for your business. Healthy employees are more productive, require less sick leave, and lower healthcare costs. Create incentive programs that help employees stay active and healthy. Whether it’s supporting walking breaks, subsidizing employee gym memberships, or creating exercise challenges, investing in your employee’s health can reap long-term benefits for both your business and employees.

The Benefits of Creating a Pleasant Workplace

Research has shown that adults who work full time spend an average of 47 hours per week at work. Because employees spend more time at work than any other place, it is important to create a pleasant and comfortable environment. This can improve productivity, increase efficiency, and help retain your employees.

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